1:1 Personal Training
With 1:1 training, we get to create a program supporting your pregnancy or postpartum experience. This program will be tailored to your goals, injuries, and prenatal or postpartum timeline.
1:1 Package Details
You will receive my undivided 1:1 attention, a safe and effective fully tailored program, nutritional advice, support outside of the gym via text or call, 2 days a week.
Now accepting new clients.
Semi-Private Personal Training
In Small Group, you get to connect with like-minded moms who are within the same prenatal or postpartum timeline. All workouts are tailored and modified to where you are in your fitness journey.
Semi-Private Package Details
A safe and effective program for both moms in the group, full access to my On Demand workout videos, support outside the gym from me and other moms in the group, sense of community, connection and accountability, nutritional advice, lower-priced than 1:1. (2 per group)